The Cricket season is creeping up on us, and with ‘winter’ training due to start next Sunday, our coaches where put through their paces this morning by our very own Chris Laker!
It’s so important that our coaches are up to speed on how we should deliver our sessions, and we are always learning. Having Chris take time out of his already busy coaching schedule with Lancashire was very much welcome.
We worked through a bunch of new drills that we will be taking in to our winter training programme for ages u11 – u15 and we are all super excited about it!
We will be sharing with all parents and players our training plans for winter training ahead of time, and will be splitting the 8 weeks up in to specific deliverables in order to provide our players with the right skills across all disciplines. Thankfully, the days of just ‘Nets’ are long gone!
Here are a few snaps taking from this mornings ‘train the trainer’ session!