Northern Club Hockey Committee Notes & News Updates 24th March 2022


Jude Willams (JW) Junior development lead,

Paul Lewis-Freeman (PLF) Mens 2s Captain,

Taff Ahmed (TA) Coach and parent rep,

Tom Collins (TC) Coach / Mens 1s captain,

Nikki Finn (NF) Ladies 1s Captain,

Craig Moran (CM) Lead Coach / Co-Welfare Lead

Charlotte Dunham (CD) Coach / Ladies 2s Captain/1s Vice Captain/ Co- Social Sec,

Simone McCaskill (SM) Ladies Chair/Co-Welfare Lead / Heroes & Juniors administrator,

Tom Pfeiffer (TP) Men’s Chair / Co-Social Sec / Co-Treasurer


Jo Henderson (JH) Fundraiser / First Aid lead,

Dominic Batty (DB) Co- Treasurer,

Grant Rolland (GR) Mens 1s Vice Captain,

Cecelia Jaques (CJ) Advisory member,

Hockey heroes and juniors

Tuesday hero and junior sessions will break 5th and 12th April and return for the last two weeks of this 8 week term.

A new term to will start Tuesday 3rd May which will run for 8 weeks. We will then run a further short term from 28th June – 19th July which will finish with a BBQ and awards celebration 19th July (food and awards to be included as part of that terms payment as will only be a four week term).

Jude is attending a planning meeting 4th April to arrange further tournament dates over the summer. Northern is keen to host another event again. The one we hosted 13th March was fab with Northern having three under 8’s teams, an under 10’s, 12’s and 14’s all of which performed brilliantly with us winning 9 games throughout the day! Approx 200 kids in total enjoyed playing hockey on the day from a range of clubs. Big thanks to all the parents, helpers, umpires and coaches who made it happen and well done to all our bakers and brew servers who helped us raise £155 on the day.

Easter camp will take place 7th and 8th of April for 7-14 year olds

Charlotte, Tom C and Taff have planned a great camp that we will promote across and outside the club. Currently ten signed up (happy with double that) and will plan supervision based on ages that apply to take part. £25 one day or £40 for two days with sibling discount of £5

Action: Sim to send Hockey Heroes booking link and & Easter camp poster to members and to local primary schools for their newsletters as well as post in local social media groups eg Crosby bubble

Hockey Heroes / Home (

Scotland tour

this will be rolled over to 2023 now due to difficulty in getting a date this year now

Linking with Chesterfield high to offer coaching

Taff has now started delivering extra curricular coaching on Mondays at the school which is great news!

Children’s university destination 

Jo Marshall (parent) has kindly picked up researching and setting this up for us. Aim is to get set up for September 2022.

LGBTQ+ awareness raising and rainbow laces campaign has gone well

Awareness raising session to take place 7th April 8pm in the club house after the seniors mixed game. Libby and Charlotte will facilitate this after the mixed game in the club with pizza’s. Taff offered to rustle up a snazzy flyer to promote this. Libby and Charlotte will also be supporting the club wide welfare event Simone is coordinating to replicate this session to the wider club.

Goal keeper kit funding

big thanks to Jo Henderson who secured us a pot of £350 through the Mark Edwards foundation which will go towards replacing some of our kit for junior Goal Keepers

Hockey section AGM to take place Tuesday 3rd May 8pm

Simone shared a draft of a new document outlining all the roles our army of fantastic volunteers do which was discussed and agreed by the committee. The aim of this document is to be able to provide members with more information about the different volunteering roles across the section and to use this to also support the annual general meeting (AGM) election of volunteer roles. The document will also support our club mark status review which is due.

Roles for election will go on the club house notice board at the start of April for members to propose people for the roles. Many of our committee members are happy to continue which is great. Those who shared they would like to step down were Jude Williams (Junior lead) and Paul Lewis-Freeman (Mens 2’s Captain) both have people in mind who they would like to propose and support in to the roles if they accept.

Action: If you would like to propose someone but can’t get to the club to add the persons name to the board please get in touch with Simone or Tom P who can add it for you

Click here to see Link for Volunteer Roles

Other key dates:

Seniors end of season dinner and awards night – Sat 23rd April.

Booking link is now live here: Hockey End of Season Dinner – The Northern Club. £16.50 for under 18’s and £25 for seniors (parents welcome to attend with under 18’s)

*There will be a meat and vegetarian food option shared for people to choose from and a DJ

Parent’s are welcome to purchase tickets to come along too. For under 18’s attending, alcohol is not permitted unless parents are purchasing alcohol and are attending and supervising drinking. Parent’s of under 18’s to please confirm what their pick up time and arrangements are with captains if parent’s are not attending to make sure our young people get home safely.

Junior’s BBQ and awards night – Tuesday 19th July (more info soon)

Next committee meeting date:

21st April 2022 8.30pm

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