Northern Hockey Newsletter and Committee Notes 24 February 2022


Paul Lewis-Freeman (PLF) Mens 2s Captain,

Taff Ahmed (TA) Coach and parent rep,

Tom Collins (TC) Coach / Mens 1s captain,

Charlotte Dunham (CD) Coach / Ladies 2s Captain/1s Vice Captain/ Co- Social Sec,

Cecelia Jaques (CJ) Advisory member,

Simone McCaskill (SM) Ladies Chair/Co-Welfare Lead / Heroes & Juniors administrator,

Tom Pfeiffer (TP) Men’s Chair / Co-Social Sec / Co-Treasurer

Grant Rolland (GR) Mens 1s Vice Captain,


Jo Henderson (JH) Fundraiser / First Aid lead,

Jude Willams (JW) Junior development lead

Dominic Batty (DB) Co- Treasurer,

Nikki Finn (NF) Ladies 1s Captain, Craig Moran (CM) Lead Coach / Co-Welfare Lead

Lancashire hockey association survey

As a group we went through the Lancashire hockey association survey representing that we would be interested in being a venue for junior and senior events and would be interested in having involvement in under 14s events and senior plate competitions (single sexed and mixed). This would supplement league games outside of the season.

Volunteer coaching development and reward plan

Revisited this based on second proposal shared by Craig (lead coach):

Discussions focussed on committee supporting the following:

–   Section funding coaching courses where there has been 12 month commitment from a volunteer supporting coaching regularly

–  Group voted against coaches being paid their membership as feel strongly we want to maintain equality across our volunteers

– Agreed the importance of having clear coaching role descriptions which will need to be developed and having an appointed coaching lead for juniors, mens, womens (additional coaches supporting this)

– Agreed election of key roles eg ladies, mens, junior lead along with other committee members at usual AGM

– Agreed there will be two annual events a year funded to give recognition to regular volunteers

Getting set up on new EH player and fixture system (PLF)

Sheets from games are to be added from the beginning of the season which captains are busy back dating – all struggling to put goal scorers on. Hopefully this will improve.

Safeguarding – feedback on club wide audit input

Planning for a club wide welfare event has started which will take place in May.  There is a planning meeting taking place  9th March 7pm that welfare leads from each section will be involved with. Focus of the club wide welfare event will be positions of trust, parent engagement, first aid, defib demonstration and equality and diversity.

Hockey heroes and junior programmes

Agreed to break for two weeks (5th and 12th April) over Seftons Easter break, the final two weeks of that 8 week programme will be on 19th and 26th April.   Two further course to run over Spring /Summer then break for 4 week (restart mid Sept)

Easter camp (juniors section)

This will be planned for 7th and 8th April, 9-3pm each day,  £25 or £40 for 2 days and £5 off for siblings – Charlotte, Taff, Tom C to lead on plans and marketing. A booking link can be set up on the club site and then details checked by coaches on Spond when children book on to make sure they are fully completed eg emergency contacts x 2, medical info etc. Coaches to agree how they want to be paid  when the bookings are in as to how this will work. Consensus from the coaches was they wanted to see funding go back in to the hockey section and were very modest! Committee agreed they should definitely receive funding for their commitment and will look at best approach for this when bookings are in.

Scotland tour

  • August dates not great for people so revisiting this dates wise.

Other key dates

Seniors end of season dinner/ party – Sat 23rd April

AGM including election of officers – May time (date tbc) – will be a section wide event on a weekend with section funded buffet

Juniors event and awards – June time (date tbc)

Junior Tournament

Junior Tournament planned for 6th and 13th of March now going ahead. Keep an eye out for details coming soon to Spond

Linking with Chesterfield high

Taff offered to link to respond to their coaching request – Simone to send Taffs details over

Children’s university destination – should we sign up?

Simone to research this further

LGBTQ+ awareness raising and rainbow laces promotion

Uptake of laces has been very positive with the ladies, some of the men have them also, Paul LF to collect some from Charlotte for mens 2s. Charlotte will be working with Libby to confirm a workshop date for a mixed session one evening. Junior laces are also available via the link shared on the pages should families want to opt in. (Link: Rainbow Laces for all)  We are also keen to build this in to the club welfare event. Planning session for this 9th March 7pm @ Northern which Charlotte and Libby have been invited to get involved with.

Other News

Lancs U15s Boys

Massive well done to Finlay, Charles and Sam who represented Lancs U15s Boys on the 13th. They were an integral part of a squad that, despite the weather, lost two by the narrowest of margins and won two against opposition from Cheshire, Cumbria and Manchester!

Student vets mixed friendy

We have struck up a great partnership with a none league student vets (mixed team) who visited us for the first time Sunday 20th February. This has been opportunity for mixed friendlies and to increase game opportunities for our members who are not playing regular league hockey. Although a full on rainy day it was fantastic to see about 50 people enjoying hockey and a beer after in the club house. The next vets tournament day is planned for 20th March. Thanks to our Charlotte Dunham for setting this up

New Kit

Malooka sports have launched a fantastic new jacket which we know our hockey heroes and juniors will love! You can order this for just £16 to be delivered to your child’s session next term here. Please include your child’s name in the notes when ordering

If you’re looking at getting any new kit like shin pads, gum shields, sticks etc, one of our fab new junior coaches Taff Ahmed now runs an online shop and he’s offered us a 10% discount code 👍there’s a range of sport stuff on there You can also email if you need any expert advice on our youngest goal keeper Isaac is loving his personalised new NHC helmet which the club has recently bought to keep him safe whilst doing that all important role of keeping our oppo at bay!

League Fixtures and & Results

Please follow the link to view latest fixtures and results for our Senior Leagues (Follow the North West link) and select:

Ladies: North West Women’s Division 4 West

Mens 1s: North West Mens Division 4 West

Mens 2s: North West Mens Division 5 West (North)

Next meeting date:

Thursday 24th March 8.30pm

Members to let the committee know if there’s anything you’d like on the agenda for discussion

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