Northern Hockey Newsletter- and latest Committee notes

Celebration Night

Northern Hockey section celebrated it’s achievements from the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Season on Saturday 9th October.

Forbes Leichman – Club Top Goal Scorer – Thomas Pfeiffer
John Birch Memorial – Defender of the Year – Nikki Finn
Richard Dawson Award (Services to the section) -Tom Pfeiffer
Toddy Parkinson Trophy – Team of the Year – Ladies section
Eric Wright Junior Hockey Award (under 14s)– Jess Furlong
The Beeching Junior Leadership Award – Alex Bushell whitehead
Dave Lewis GK of the year award – Charlotte Dunham
The Kenneth Ferguson Plate (Outstanding under 16) – Lewis Tisdall
Mens Section *Player of the year – Dom Batty
Captains Player – Lewis Tisdall
Top Goal Scorer – Tom Pfeiffer
Men’s 2s – captains player – The whole team
Ladies Most Improved Player – Charlotte Morrisey
Top Goal Scorers – Libby Parkinson
Captains Player – Charlotte Dunham
Players Player – Jess Snellgrove

Committee Notes from 14 October

This months Committee meeting was attended by Simone, Tom P, Tom C, Charlotte, Craig, Paul, Jude and Nik.

Apologies: Dom

First Aid policy

Jo has drafted a great policy inline with England Hockey requirements,  we are all to record accidents in the accident book in the tiffin including injuries like balls to head,  photo to Simone to complete England Hockey reporting form and share with club manager.  Jo to do basic first aid in the near future for members that want to get involved. Thanks to Jo for her work in the background

Coaching development and draft framework for recognising commitment

  • Looking at how we develop a framework to value coaching input
  • 6 months of commitment – rewarded by offer of investment in coaching
  • Holiday camps – if wanting to host something need to consider if this can be offered by consultancy approach etc by our coaches
  • To include umpiring opportunities/funding considerations
  • Focus on how much we value our volunteer coaches who are all fab!
Craig to draft framework and share for feedback

Parents/Volunteer coaching development activity

Simone to do basic rules session with heroes parents next week to support them with rules and umpiring

Craig to do briefing with junior helpers for safety and coaching support expectations this week

Charlotte to do plan for in house coaching session/social for people who may want to get involved in volunteering for in the New Year

Section updates

  • Hockey heroes agree we book another programme but split it over two four weeks before and after Christmas. Run heroes and juniors next programme 2nd Nov – 30th Nov. Restart 11th Jan 4 weeks.
  • Junior’snew kids coming every week which is great. Payment link was down but now live. Those that haven’t been there for a full term they can back pay £3.50 a session via the hockey account. Development going really positively and good cohort of coaches supporting sessions which is great.
  • 2nd Nov is last week of the 8 week term when kids will get certificates – Simone to sort heroes, Jude to sort juniors

Ladies section – all very positive. New ladies joining most weeks. Strong 1st team squad and regular twos games/friendlies being planned for.

Ladies 1st XI

Mens section – a number of players are returning soon which should address current player shortage. Men’s to encourage positive social media postings to attract people to the club. This has worked well for ladies

Mens 1st XI

Upcoming Events

19 October Mixed game full game or 4 x five aside games
26th OctoberHalloween pumpkin carving competition at 7pm on the pitch. Entry £2 a pumpkin, £1 extra for extra pumpkins. Everyone gets goody bag and there’s prizes too!
27th November Christmas jumper senior club night
19th December Santa dash and kids party
5th February wine tasting quiz night with John Nelson (party night!)
23rd April seniors end of season do
TBC Heroes/Juniors events –  Date tbc when kids consulted with about what they’d like and when


New jazzy membership cards will be coming with your membership this year.

Section photoambition for this year is to get a big section photo of everyone to go up in the club house to go alongside the ancient ones in there. We are the history of tomorrow

Tiffin Hockey and cricket sections are exploring ideas and grant funding that would support a refurbishment and to make it a more accessible facility.

Please let us know if there is anything you wish to raise at our next committee meeting- Scheduled for Thursday 25th November 8.30pm

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