Attendees: Simone Tom P, Charlotte, Dom, Jo, Paul LF, Riaz, Cec
Apologies: Craig
There were no Action Points from the last meeting
Whole Hockey section photo in front of the Club house to be planned for Spring 2022
No feedback from last newsletter or agenda items received from hockey members – newsletter shared with Sports Executive Committee for wider club too by Sim.
If anyone has any ideas or wishes to provide feedback for future Newsletters please let us know!
Online Membership System–
Dom- ongoing testing of online invoicing system, being set up for wider members direct debit process. End of December for set up.
Action point: Members to arrange their payments as soon as possible please once info received
Junior Membership– Discussed price bands for juniors, currently 5-12 age 0 membership fee, 13-17 £30-£45. Agreed If playing for senior side, +13 should be paying membership fee.
Insurance during activities: Question raised of what is the existing cover and does it cover all members and all organised events.
Action points: Sim to discuss Insurance with club secretary Stuart Mcmillan. Dom to check EH policy
Finance update
Junior payment system working well but getting people to sign up in advance of sessions is a change to previous system so sign- up numbers are relatively low currently although attendance at weekly sessions is 25 4-8 year olds and approx 50 8-14 year olds.
Goals Allowed Project We were awarded £500 so thanks for everyone’s token votes and for Jo Henderson for organising this! The Additional Goals have been ordered but are currently delayed
Considering similar exercise at ASDA as well as Sainsburys bag packing on 19th December- focus on Juniors for 2 hours slots each. Work it around Santa Dash.
Santa dash and kids party – Dom to contact Crosby Lyons to see if they can start the race of at 11:30am in their sleigh or come to kids party (1:40-4.00pm)
Health and Safety
Additional first aid kits in bigger bags that include more gauzes and bandages to be ordered for senior teams and juniors (x4 needed)
Reporting injuries to EH and in accident book behind bar – Captains to advise Sim and make sure recorded
First aid awareness 2 hour training session to be planned for hockey and other sections who may need it to be delivered by Jo.
Action points: Jo will look at dates she could deliver. Jo to also look in to the first aid at work course for club manager and Dom to support in arranging for club manager to attend. Sim to lead on linking in other sections once we have a plan. Approach to club wide health and safety management is under review.
Defib has now been installed in Tiffin. Thank you to everyone who attended the Defib Training. Please check status when you are in the Tiffin- ie Green light should be flashing. If not to make club aware.
We need your old kit!!! If your children have outgrown their old sticks (especially the younger age group) we would be most greatful if you could consider donating them to the club to help restock our diminishing supplies
Quotes will be obtained for new sticks and helmets from Taff- perhaps to promote kit at juniors session.
February Juniors Camp– to be considered for half term
Section Updates
Junior Tournaments Riaz mentioned Junior tournaments going well, All South Lancs clubs struggled to get single sex teams for under 12s and 14 so we reverted to mixed and so the girls have been able to play thankfully. South Lancs will stick to mixed for this season and review in the Summer. Also issues with age ranges on Spond in how they link to tournament groups so discussed arranging by school year group to make sure children play at the right level. Charlotte to review this with Jo M.
Teams have been set up for the 5th December. This event went well with lots of players getting involved. More coaching support would be helpful from our supporting coaches/ younger seniors taking a team each to look after
Parent Rep Needed! from U10s group ideally as we have so many U10s. Committee meet every six weeks. If you can help please let us know
Safeguarding Ratios
With further recruitment and transfer of hockey heroes to junior training mean safeguarding ratio cannot be met? The coaching ratio is 20:1 but is this sufficient based on number of coaches and do we need to pause of numbers. A push for more volunteers will help plus managing larger numbers on the pitch by cordoning off pitch.
Action point – DB to purchase 3 more pitch separators to help divide pitch up for sessions.
Big thanks to Heather Redhead, Rachel Finnis and Taff Ahmed who have stepped up as new coach volunteers.
2nd team now getting regular friendlies. U18s matches arranged. Players are happy and engaged. Issues getting two Umpires for home matches at the moment.
Issues with player numbers have improved.
PLF spoke of standard of opposition and difficulties 2nd team have as a development team.
Action Point PLF to note his concerns so to consider the tier we are in for next season. Sim to forward to Julie at EH.
Socials and Fundraising
Hockey Halloween Special
The end of October saw the return of our spooky Halloween pumpkins – this time we got to bring our pumpkins down to the club to show them off in person. There were some truly terrifying pumpkins on show! £45 was also raised on the night
Seniors Christmas do was 27th November speed quiz and pizza night was a great success. Thanks go to host Danny as well as our Wendy, Charlotte and Tom P for organising
Hockey Heroes
We finished our third course of Hockey Heroes and are 3 weeks into our 4th session! Here’s a few pictures to celebrate
Upcoming Events
Friday 17th December Carols, mulled wine and mince pies 6:30-7:15 in the Club House
19th December-Santa Dash Charity 5k Santa Dash or stroll with the dog and kids starting 11.30am followed by kids party with party entertainer and a drop in from Santa! Tickets available for both events below
5th Feb blind wine party with John Nelson – Captains to push wine tasting to seniors and Parent reps to promote to junior parents.
23rd April Seniors Season do – look to possibly broaden this to juniors and parents possibly if numbers/space allows
Junior date for social and awards event to be planned and date tbc (plan to be developed by parents reps with juniors and date)
Thursday 20th 8:30pm
Wishing all our Northern Hockey Family a
very Happy Christmas and
New Year!!