Hockey’s Back!

Senior training is back w/c 29th March (Mens Tuesdays 7.30pm & Ladies Thursday 6.30pm)Junior training (8-13 year olds) is back Tuesday 6th April 7pmOur new hockey heroes programme for 5-8 year olds starts Tuesday 13th April 6pm
Some will be really excited about returning but some a little worried too.

Like we always do, we’ll look after each other and make sure we’re as safe as we can be. If you’re returning to play, please have a look at our reviewed risk assessment and visitor guidance which includes all the updated guidance in line with England Hockey requirements and what we’ve put in place as a hockey section to deliver on this. There is also a simplified image of key points from England Hockey. You can view the England Hockey Covid information page and resources here: Covid-19 Guidance | England Hockey

Please always book on the sessions via Spond for seniors and juniors before attending training or games as places are limited. Our first hockey heroes course is now full and no further places are bookable at this time.

*If you have any symptoms of being unwell, please do not attend training or games until you’ve had a test. Please also don’t delay to contact the hockey section Covid officer (Simone McCaskill on 07939864592) if you develop symptoms after attending training/playing, or get a positive test result soon after attending. This will help us to manage any Covid concerns confidentially and appropriately.

It’s great to back – let’s get out there and enjoy it safely!

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